Thank you for visiting our store. Our product Hoggan Reeds Drone reeds is engineered to the highest standard. We have included some examples of our reeds being played by some of our customers. If you have any questions regarding our product then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hoggan Reeds Solo Drone Reeds
One Bass drone and two tenor bagpipe drone reeds all tongues are in fibreglass. These reeds are better for the solo bagpipe player, the reeds have a mellow tone.

Hoggan Reeds Band Drone Reeds
One Bass drone with a black Fibreglass tongue and two tenor carbon tongue bagpipe drone reeds. Reeds have a louder sound ideal for playing together in a band

Hoggan Reeds Plug and Play Drone Reeds
One Bass drone and two tenor bagpipe drone reeds all tongues are in fibreglass. These reeds are plug and play and are pitching at 480